Respect for mother nature
The Gemini Wind Park is built at sea, surrounded by maritime flora and fauna. That process was managed as carefully as possible. Gemini pays particular attention to the matter of permits and environmental monitoring in order to minimise the wind park’s impact, now as well as later.

Environmental Care: Managing Marine Impact at Gemini Wind Park
Starting with the choice of the location and the permit process for the wind park, the environmental impact has played an important role in the planning. Everything has been done in close consultation with the government.
Gemini executes a research program which is aimed at monitoring possible ecological effects on marine life. This program started a few years before construction of the wind park and continued during construction and a number of years into operations. This monitoring program is specifically aimed at determining distributions and behavorial responses of birds, fish, seals and harbor porpoises in the area of the wind park site. Final results of the ecological monitoring are published below.

Contribution to a sustainable future
Worldwide action initiatives and measures are developed to contribute to a sustainable future. The 2015 Paris Agreement demands a substantial reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. For the Netherlands, the Paris agreement means a reduction target for greenhouse gases of 55 percent from the 1990 level by 2030. Numerous measures are required to achieve this goal and the country will have to continue improving the sustainability of the electricity supply.
With a yield of 600 megawatts, the Gemini offshore wind park is making a substantial contribution towards realising the Paris goals. The offshore wind farm generates renewable electricity for about 900.000 households while reducing CO₂ emissions by 1.25 million tons per year.
Ecological monitoring reports
During construction
Underwater noise report T-C
11700 KB
Seals report T-C
6800 KB
Acoustic dose-behavioral response sea bass
625 KB
Field test FaunaGuard Porpoise Module
1600 KB
Test FaunaGuard Fish module report 1
3500 KB
Test FaunaGuard Fish module report 2
1800 KB
Harbour porpoises T-C
9300 KB
Operational phase
Biodiversity Policy Statement
107 KB
Disturbance effects on Harbour porpoises
6300 KB
Offshore space use of lesser black-backed gulls
6300 KB
Spatial and temporal dynamics of bird movement over the North Sea
364 KB
Agent-based movement model for harbour seals
695 KB
Displacement of auks
731 KB